The Internet loves lists so I’m capping off the year with my top 10 list of favorite kayaking days of 2021. First some stats…
Each year I track the “who, what, when, and where” of my paddles, plus other info such as river levels, water and air temperature and so on. Here’s my summary of 2021.
- Days paddled: 108 (about average for me). 51 of those days were in a sea kayak, 54 days were whitewater river kayaking and 3 days were surfing in a whitewater kayak.
- Most paddled rivers: 20 days on the Red, 13 days on the Peshtigo, 10 days on the Wolf, and 11 days on other rivers.
- Most paddled lakes: 40 days on Michigan, 6 days on Superior, and 8 on other lakes.
- Total paddling distance: 468 miles, which is slightly below my average of about 500. Longest single-day paddling distance: 15.7 miles on the Verde River. Longest paddle time: 6 hours to Stockton Island with our TRR group.
After I started this list, I discovered it wasn’t going to be easy to choose my favorite 10. My best day on the water is usually the one I’m experiencing that day. However, looking back is good for the soul because it makes you re-appreciate family, friends and good health. It also encourages planning for the coming year. So here it is, my top 10 paddles of the year. (Because “top” lists need to have 10 items, don’t they?) For the ones I previously posted about here, I’m including links to the original story, photos or video.
#10 Peninsula State Park
In early September Mary and I participated in the Northeast Wisconsin Paddlers (NEWP) sea kayak camping event in Door County, WI. About 20 of us car-camped in Peninsula State Park. That Saturday we all kayaked to Fish Creek to for a picnic lunch at the beach. We enjoyed excellent weather and paddling conditions that Saturday. On Sunday the wind and waves picked up as we kayaked from Rowleys Bay past Newport State Park and back, which made us appreciate the previous day’s paddle even more.

#9 Rock Island State Park
Earlier in the year we had perfect weather and an enthusiastic group of camping kayakers, all topped off with beautiful sunsets during the NEWP club trip to Wisconsin’s beautiful Rock Island State Park. June 10-13.

#8 Teaching Scouts on the Wolf River
In May I had a rewarding time on the Wolf River helping about 40 Scouts and adult leaders at Gardner Dam Scout Camp learn some of the skills, thrills and joys of whitewater kayaking.

#7 Peshtigo River on my Birthday
As I mentioned earlier, I paddled the Peshtigo 13 times this year. It’s my favorite Wisconsin river so I want to include at least one of those days in this top 10 list. On this early-season day in March I kayaked with good friends, the water level was superb (15″)… AND it was my birthday (although none of my kayaking companions knew that). Here’s Angela’s video:
Angela’s GoPro battery died just before we ran Horserace Rapid so for the conclusion of that day’s run, here’s my video of Horserace…
#6 Stockton Island
In August, Team River Runner’s fourth Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (AINL) sea kayak camping event took us to Stockton Island. We filled five days with learning, bonding and new personal achievements. And this year the food was fantastic! Thanks, Jacob.

#5 Kayak Surfing at Sheboygan
My best day for kayak surfing in 2021 was November 11 at Sheboygan, WI. Wave heights were 6 to 7 feet and well-spaced for an “off-the-hook sesh”, as the kids say.
#4 TRR at Wausau Whitewater Park
July 17 & 18. (Okay, this was two days, not just one.) During Team River Runner’s annual event at Wausau Whitewater Park for veterans with disabilities, we advanced our on-the-water skills, safety and learned more about the healing power of personal achievement.
#3 Nolichucky Gorge, Tennessee & North Carolina
September 15. The Nolichucky River was wild, beautiful and provided immense fun. Cohen Rautenkranz and I traveled to Tennessee where we paddled with TRR friend Bill Finger.
#2 Apostle Islands Mainland Caves
You don’t often get a “perfect” day to paddle the Apostle Islands sea caves. In fact, some days you can’t kayak into the caves at all because of wind and waves. But in July Mary and I lucked out with one of those rare perfect days when this part of Lake Superior was calm and clear and there were only a few other kayakers around. It was a great day to be on a Great Lake.

#1 Verde River, Arizona
Of all my paddle days this year, if I have to choose a favorite (and I suppose I do since you’ve read this far) it would be my first paddle of the year, a solo descent of Arizona’s Verde River on March 8. As I posted back then, the 15-mile stretch of the Verde that I chose consists of scenic paddling on long flat stretches of river, interrupted by tricky but manageable riffles and rapids, probably class II+ at most. There’s just enough twisty, moving water to keep things interesting in a 16-foot TRAK folding sea kayak. I had not previously paddled the Verde before so it was hugely satisfying to study maps, scout potential take-out points and talk with local paddlers to create a successful float plan for the day. Big thanks to Mary for picking me up at the end of the day. Otherwise I’d still be at the take-out, which wouldn’t be all bad, I guess.

Thanks for joining me in 2021 if only vicariously. Here’s to a prosperous new year!